Monday 7 December 2009

Film Synopsis

Our film will start off with a girl getting ready for a night out. Obviously nothing graphic will be seen, she will be doing her a make-up. Then while the girl is getting ready, there will be a news report of a killing in the area. The girl will totally blank out the report and head out for a night. The girl is having a good time out and the scenes fast forward with her having a good time up unitl she decidews to leave. When she leaves the club/bar/party the girl walks alone and eventually tension is built and you can see the girl become more frightened. Music is playing which fits in with the scene. Then at one point a hand will approach her shoulder (the music suddenely comes to a halt after builing up). The girl will turn around in shock, to see a man standing in front of her with her purse (which she had left at the party/club/bar). She laughs in relief and freaks out a bit hitting the guy because she was scared. While they are talking there is a close up shot on the guy and whats in the background. A shadow is seen for a split second ( the music had resumed playing at this point) then the guy is stabbed in the back. The girl screams and runs. The camera is on her running and then she falls over. As she is about to get up and look behind her while she is on her knees. She notices whatever is chasing her in front of her a screams. The shots blacks out and a stabbing/slashing sound is heard. Then the name of the film is shown on a black screen. A news report is heard reporting the death of a girl and a man Whilst opening credits are playing.
Alix Sampford

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