Sunday, 24 January 2010

Filming Summary

When i was filming the material i needed to get for the film i was able to get just enough to edit. Some shots werent neccisary in the final edit of the film so i was able to get around to editing them out in order to stay within the time frame for my opening sequence. I was able to gather the actors for the film and we managed pull through, even though it was extremely cold. Unexpected was the snow which turned up. At first i didnt want to film with the snow because at that time i didnt think that my film would have suited to have snow in the background, but unfortunantly i didnt have time to waste waiting for the snow to clear up, so i made the best of what i had. I was able to use the snow to help me in filming because at night time the snow was able to make the surroundings brighter. So i wasnt limited to using just filming when it was dark and still a bit light. However i still faced the problem that if didnt get sufficient material then for the film i would have had to record all over again because the snow had gone by the time i was able to being editting. Fortunantly i was able to gain sufficient material.
When it came to editting it was hard to pick out scenes i didnt need, even though there was so many scences i was able to get rid of i couldnt grasp the concept that the film made sense without those scenes. I had filmed it but in some parts of the film they didnt look right but to other people they didnt think it looked wrong. However after the final draft i dont think i was able to get everything i wanted to get into the film because i wanted to more scence in the film but i was unable due to the needed lengh of the film. A problem i faced with editting was that it was extremely hard to choose the music used for the film because we needed to edit around the music to make the film clearer. Also it was hard to get a hold of decent copy-right free music. Overall it was hard for me to do the filming and the editting because alot of thought and preparation was needed. I faced multiple problems with actors unable to show up due to weather and with the weather being extremely cold at the time it was hard to hold the camera but i got through and im happy with myself for that but it was a stressful experience i never will forget.

Alix Sampford

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